Aldrei Fór Ég Suður - 2023

A video from our set on "Aldrei fór ég suður" the festival.
After two fantastic weeks in Iceland, I´m back home to Berlin.
Two weeks of catching up with friends and playing three gigs, one in Cafe Rosenberg Reykjavik, Vagninn Flateyri and then the festival in Ísafjörður, "Aldrei fór ég suður". We three, Franziska, Magnús and I, in Cafe Rosenberg with us my friend Jón Kjartan Ingólfsson played bass, after Svavar Knútur and Adyn Townes did their spot. In Vagninn,Flateyri we had Stefán Freyr Baldursson on guitar, Guðmundur Hjaltason on bass, and Halldór Gunnar Pálsson on giutar. They joined us for the festival as well, the highlight of our trip. The video is the set we played on the festival, "Aldrei fór ég Suður"
Thanks everybody!
The festival is every Easter, and would be worth taking a trip to Iceland, and Ísafjörður to take part. Fantastic atmosphere.


Það kom mér dálítið á óvart á Aldrei, hvað allir einhvernveginn kunna þetta lag Popparans.
Skemmtilega á óvart. Takk fyrir mig, þetta var gaman.

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